A Hongkong-born girl who likes drawing
When Ashley was still a baby, she likes looking at colorful pictures in story books sitting on her bed. Ashley picked up her pencil to start drawing lines at two years old. The small girl can sit quietly to draw what she likes for an hour. The objects Ashley likes to draw are people, animals, house, flowers, trees and sky. Sometimes, she draws her loved characters on the wall, then her father stares at her.....
Sharing of Ashley's works
As Ashley's daddy, I am so pleased to see she is enjoying at drawing. After her drawing class, she happily shares to me her art work. Initially, I didn't keep her works well. Until half year was gone, I find her drawing skills are much improved and I cannot see her 'unskilled' work anymore. Therefore, I decide to convert her art works into digital format.
Ashley is very young and she is still learning how to draw. I would like to share her works and appreciate for any encouragement to the little girl and comments on her art work.
Learn. Create. Inspire.
I do believe Ashley Drawing can only be improved from others feedback and guidance. At the same token, I am happy to share what I did in guiding the small girl. A small community to exchange thoughts with anyone about kids drawing, art learning and even stuff relevant to kids is established and you are welcome to be part of it that we can grow together.